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Outages and service disruptions

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Public Notice - Natural Gas Supply Rate Change November 1, 2024

Kitchener City Council has approved a new Kitchener Utilities gas supply rate, with the rate increasing from 11.63 cents per cubic meter to 13.13 cents per cubic meter effective Nov. 1, 2024. 

Kitchener Utilities has also adopted a new process, through which the supply rate will be adjusted every fiscal quarter, starting Jan. 1, 2025. This will provide rate stability and avoid spikes in pricing despite the volatility of the natural gas market. The supply rate increase will have an impact of about $30 annually for the average residential* Kitchener Utilities’ customer.

* Average residential customer consumes 2,000 cubic metres annually 

Kitchener Utilities takes next steps to evolve business model and develop Clean Energy Transition Strategy  

Council received an update on Phase 2 of the Kitchener Utilities (KU) Clean Energy Transition Strategy, a visionary, long-term plan designed to transform the City’s energy businesses. This strategy aligns with the City's and community's climate change commitments, adapting to evolving global, national, provincial, and local energy landscapes. Building on the successful engagement of Phases 1 and 2, which involved collaboration with customers, community members, stakeholders, committees, staff, and city councillors, staff have identified several themes and potential energy business activities. During Phase 2, staff will further explore these activities to recommend an integrated business approach that ensures KU's financial sustainability while delivering valuable services to Kitchener residents. 

The final strategy will support the City's and community's 2021 commitment to TransformWR and advance the City’s strategic goal to "cultivate a green city together" by empowering residents and businesses to make climate-positive choices, while facilitating a seamless transition to a low-carbon future.  

Read the full report here.

You can learn about the transition by visiting engagewr.ca/KUtransition

Bill inserts

Leaf Collection

Leaves that blow or are raked onto streets can cover stormwater drains, creating blockages. This can lead to localized flooding during rainstorms or during the spring snow melt.

Help keep our stormwater drains clear this fall by collecting and disposing of your leaves properly.

  • If you can, mulch or compost your leaves at home!
  • Drop off your leaves at one of Kitchener’s leaf drop locations.
  • Compost leaves in paper bags through the Region’s yard waste program or at a regional waste management site. Learn more: RegionOfWaterloo.ca/YardWaste
  • We offer scheduled curbside collection of loose leaves on assigned weeks in designated neighbourhoods. Use our online map at kitchener.ca/LeafCollection to see if your neighbourhood qualifies!

Learn more at www.Kitchener.ca/LeafCollection for leaf drop off locations and program dates.

CO alarms

Protect yourself and your family with an annual inspection and a CO alarm.

Carbon monoxide presents a risk to your family’s safety. To help manage these risks, have your fuel-burning appliances inspected annually by a TSSA-certified fuel technician, and install certified carbon monoxide alarms.

For more information visit COsafety.ca.

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