On this page:
1. Sewers and waste water
2. Clearing a blocked sewer
3. Rates and rebates
4. Integrated Sanitary Master Plan
Sewers and waste water
We invest in the city's water and sewer infrastructure so we can create water and sewer systems that serve your needs today, and of the future.
Your sewer rates provide necessary sewer maintenance so we can provide reliable water and sewer systems to your home.
Clearing a blocked sewer
Before clearing a blocked sewer, view our call before you clear safety information.
Rates and rebates
Learn more about our sewer rates and sewer rebate.
Integrated Sanitary Master Plan
Did you know there are over 800km of sanitary sewer mains underneath our city? The City of Kitchener has created an Integrated Sanitary Master Plan to make sure we meet our sanitary service needs now, and in the future.
The Master Plan reviewed existing conditions, developed an assessment of alternative solutions for sanitary servicing, and identified the preferred alternative to support planned growth across the City. To learn more on the Sanitary Master Plan click here.
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