Natural gas is a safe and efficient fuel for providing a heat source to homes for home heating, water heaters, appliances, fireplaces, pool heaters, barbeques and more.

On this page:

1. Advantages of natural gas
2. Apply for natural gas
3. Rates and rebates
4. Gas meter access
5. Gas meter removal and replacement
6. Clean energy transition

Advantages of natural gas

1. Cost-effective

Natural gas is a cost-effective fuel choice for heating your home in Kitchener. Look for “Energy Star” qualified home appliances and a high efficiency furnace to help save money on your heating costs.

2. Reliable

Natural gas is a reliable and safe fuel source. 

3. Multiple uses

Natural gas can be used for more than just home heating. A licensed natural gas service professional can add connections for indoor appliances such as a dryer, fireplace, water heater, and range. Outdoor appliances such as a barbecue or pool heater can also be natural gas.

For more information about the benefits of natural gas, contact us by email.

Apply for natural gas

To apply for natural gas service:

  1. Review our Conditions of Service document for all gas servicing, meter requirements and billing information for new gas service connections and changes to your existing gas service.
  2. Contact a licensed heating contractor to submit a gas service application and provide a quote on the installation of your new heating system and the inside piping. Your contractor will submit the natural gas application on your behalf. You can find licensed heating contractors in Kitchener by visiting the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) website. Alternatively please see the link to the gas service application
  3. There is a one-time gas service connection fee that starts at $1,040+HST and includes an aid to construction fee and meter set fee. Monthly gas charges that will appear on the utility bill include consumption, carbon tax, and the daily gas fixed charge (regardless if gas is used or not). The homeowner may pay a service relocation fee (minimum $1,622.40+HST) if inaccurate information on the gas application necessitates an adjustment of the riser location or if a gas service relocation is requested. 
  4. To minimize the potential for errors in the field, we request that you mark the desired meter location on the building, using a flag or stake in the ground. 
  5. Once the gas service application is received, a Kitchener Utilities representative will follow up with you on costs and timing. 
  6. Locates will be initiated by Kitchener Utilities and take approximately one to three weeks to complete. Utilities will come to your home and mark the underground infrastructure in a specific colour for each utility locate. 
  7. Once the gas line is installed, a meter bar template will be installed at the same visit as the gas line installation. After your heating contractor has connected to the meter template and the gas appliance(s) are installed, you can request the gas meter using this form. It can take up to five business days for the gas meter installation appointment. A final gas inspection is also a requirement and can be scheduled using this form. If you are not ready for the gas meter and a technician is dispatched to the site, an hourly service call fee will apply. 
  8. Kitchener Utilities will provide grass seed and repair the public sidewalk after the gas line is installed. All repairs will occur between May and September. Any concrete or asphalt that is disrupted from the gas line installation on private property is the responsibility of the homeowner to restore. Please remove any other shrubs or flowers you would like to preserve. You will be responsible for watering the grass after the repairs are completed. 

For more information on applying for natural gas, contact us by phone at 519-741-2529, option 3, or by email, or additional information on the website. 

  • the gas meter and associated pressure regulator must not be closer than 3ft to any building openings (i.e. doors and windows that open), dryer vents, fresh air intakes, heat pumps, and air conditioners. 
  • the gas meter must be easily accessible and visible for meter readings and emergencies

  • the gas meter may not be installed behind a house, behind bushes, or behind a gate or fence

  • gas lines installed in or beside a driveway within 4ft must have an impact barrier installed by us. Additional charges will apply for impact barriers.

 Installation timing

Natural gas line installation is six to eight weeks under normal conditions, or up to six months for addresses on regional roads.

Delays may occur for the following reasons:

  • locates needed

  • volume of services

  • construction conditions

  • frost conditions

  • Municipal permits

Natural gas service area

View our natural gas service area map.

If you require an accessible format, contact us by phone at 519-741-2529 or TTY at 1-866-969-9994.

Rates and rebates


Learn more about our natural gas rates and fees.

Current Offers

Gas meter access

We read your water and gas meters monthly. You need to ensure that your meter is always accessible for reading. Gas meters are normally located outside of the home.

Having easy access to your meter ensures:

  • regular monthly meter readings and accurate charges
  • we can perform regular maintenance on your meters
  • access to shut off valves that allow us to keep you safe and respond to emergencies quickly

Gas meter removal and replacement

Gas meter removal
  1. Locate your meter serial numbers. You can find your meter serial numbers by viewing the steps in our locating your meter serial numbers document.
  2. Complete the gas meter removal form.

Complete and submit the gas meter removal form for a temporary gas meter removal or if switching from natural gas to another fuel source. If there is no intent to utilize natural gas as a fuel source in the near future, in addition to the meter removal, the gas service will be disconnected and abandoned; future gas servicing will require a new gas service to be installed and the new gas service and previous gas disconnection fees will be applicable at that time.

For a gas meter removal, a meter removal fee of $167.65 plus HST will apply. 

If you require the billing of a gas meter to be transferred to a tenant, contact the Revenue Division by phone at 519-741-2450 or by email.

Disconnect gas or water services

If you need your natural gas service to be disconnected due to a renovation or home addition, complete the gas and water disconnection request form and submit it by email. If the meter removal is required as a part of a demolition, contact the Building Division to request a Demolition Permit by phone at 519-741-2443. There is a standard gas service disconnection fee. If the service is currently steel, a fee of $2,249.73 plus HST will apply and if the service is plastic, $1,687.30 plus HST will apply and is billable to the property owner. 

Gas meter replacement program

We provide ongoing gas meter inspections and exchanges in order to deliver you safe and reliable gas service. When it is time to replace your meter, we will send you a letter stating you require a replacement, or we need access to the meter for an inspection.

There is no cost associated with this program. Gas meter replacement is mandatory to ensure your safety. 

We contract Lakeside Gas Services to complete this work on our behalf. Once you receive your letter, follow these steps:

  1. Book an appointment online or call Lakeside Gas Services at 1-866-496-6583.
  2. Make sure there is clear, ample access around your gas meter for your appointment.
  3. For more information about this program contact us by phone at 519-741-2529, or by email.

Clean energy transition

Project Description

The City of Kitchener is planning for the future energy needs of the community. A lot is changing, and we need your help to think bigger.

As new clean technologies change how we heat buildings and water, we’re working on a strategy to help residents and businesses through the transition. As a community-owned energy utility providing natural gas and rental water heaters, Kitchener Utilities has supported the community through changes in the ways we use energy — and we’re getting ready to evolve to meet Kitchener’s energy needs in the future.  

We’re developing a strategy for how Kitchener Utilities can future-proof our community energy utility and use its unique strengths to help residents and community members transition to a net-zero carbon future, where we no longer add more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from fossil fuels like gasoline and natural gas. Given the changes that are underway, the global energy transition is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to use these changes to build an even stronger Kitchener.

As Kitchener Utilities thinks about future energy use across this community, we want to hear your thoughts about this, too. There will be many opportunities to contribute at three the different stages of this project: 

  • In Stage 1 we built our understanding of residents’ values, goals, and overall thoughts about Kitchener’s energy future.  Learn about this phase in this report.
  • In Stage 2 we are considering different options and assess these together with staff, partners and the community.  You can learn more about the progress of the project in this report.

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